Crimes Against Computers
Raspberry pi zero goes aquatic: Adventures in viscious environment
The surprising difficulty of creating a Windows bootable device on Linux
This is kind of an unusual post, written out of frustration when trying to install Windows or to be more precise when trying to make a simple stupid SD card bootable.
Most of what you find on that subject on the internet is either outdated, wrong, or some stale copypastas. One would expect Microsoft, a company making a profit out of you buying and using Windows, to make it easy for you, an OS traitor, to defect. -
Display KVM switch on Linux with udev
Following up on Haim Gelfenbeyn’s excellent article on defining a software KVM display switch by using DCC/CI instructions, I made a Linux “version” with udev.
Holyfuckingshit40000 Retrospective
Holyfuckingshit400001 was a music blog which was hugely influencial to me during me more formative years. It has helped me to shape my current taste and exposed me to many many incredible records.
The original blogspot is now long extinct, but a kind soul recreated the list on yet another extinct .cd website. -
Le mystère des tunnels chantants
Text prompted by the discovery of the incredible acoustic under an old bridge1
L'oeil était dans les nouilles et regardait
Written in Taipei during a rainy night in 2017 while waiting at the laundromat
Hello World
A new moon
🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔 🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘
I recently decided to start my blog again from scratch and to free myself from the grip of Wordpress (this is a simple Jekyll static site).